Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hyperactivity vs ADD - What's The Difference?

A common misconception, when it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder, is that it is one in the same with hyperactivity. However, this is far from the truth. While people with ADD may exhibit signs of hyperactivity, it is not an inherent trait of the disorder and often does not occur with sufferers of ADD.

Hyperactivity is a general term referring to excessive and/or pathological activeness. This term is often used erroneously for an active person that does not meet the excessive criteria. It is important to understand that all children are active to a certain extent, and that some are even extremely active. However, this does not necessarily constitute hyperactivity. A hyperactive person will seem to be driven to movement, making it almost impossible to sit still.

If sitting, they will often fidget or talk excessively as a countermeasure. Hyperactivity is often difficult to assess in adults; however, children are much easier to diagnose.

Attention Deficit Disorder, on the other hand, is exhibited by inattentiveness, impulsiveness, and distractibility, but not necessarily hyperactivity. A child that suffers from ADD may have difficulty completing assignments, paying attention, and/or waiting their turn.

In order for any of these behaviors to constitute a disorder, they must be extreme, create difficulty in completing daily activities, and not be appropriate behavior for the age group of the child. They must also occur for an extended period of time, at least six months and be identifiable prior to the age of 7 and continue thereafter.

However, some children with ADD also have hyperactivity, demonstrated as excessive fidgeting, running, and jumping at inappropriate times.

They often seem to have an inability to be still. If a child exhibits hyperactivity in addition to Attention Deficit Disorder, they are often termed "ADHD": Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

While many people assume the term ADD is an antiquated version of ADHD, they actually refer to two different types of disorders.

In all, there are typically three variations of ADD or ADHD. These are (1) inattentive type, (2) hyperactive-impulsive type, and (3) combination. Obviously the inattentive type exhibits a difficulty in paying attention and completing activities, but is not hyperactive.

These children tend to be more difficult to diagnose. On the other hand, the hyperactive-impulsive type is extremely active and has a difficulty controlling their behavior. Of course, the third type is a combination of the two previous types and displays inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Highly Contagious Smallpox

Smallpox, a highly contagious disease, is unique only to humans. The smallpox virus is caused by two virus variants called Variola major and Variola minor. Variola major is the more deadly form of the virus; it usually has a mortality rte of 20-40 percent of those that are infected with the virus. Variola minor on the other hand is much less severe and only kills 1% of its victims. Neither of the Variola's are bugs that you want to get. Avoid them at all costs!

Due to ulcerations of the cornea, many survivors of the smallpox virus are left in one or both of their eyes. Often times they will also have constant skin scarring. Over the 20th century the smallpox virus was responsible for an estimated 200-450 million deaths. After successfully completing several vaccination campaigns the World Health Organization(WHO) in 1979 stated that smallpox virus had been eradicated. Cultures of the virus are always kept at the Disease Control and Prevention which is located in the United States of America, as well as in the Institue of Virus Preparations that is in Siberia, Russia. After 1970 the vaccination was stopped in most places of the world, as the risks of the vaccination include death, among other side effects that aren't meant to joke around with.

After the anthraz attacks on the United Sates in 2001, there have been several concerns that smallpox has/will resurface and possibly become a virus for us in bioterrorism.

These concerns have in turn raised more concerns about the availability of vaccine stocks.

The concerns are soo great in fact that, President George W. Bush of the U.S.A. has ordered all of his American military personnel to be vaccinated against smallpox and has implemented a voluntary program for vaccinating emergency medical personnel.

Know More About Arthritis, and How it Can Affect You

If you've heard about arthritis, you would most likely have associated it with older patients, and with a lot of body pain. There are many things about arthritis, however, that make it a unique, and yes, painful disease. Sadly, arthritis is not only confined to the old, and it can actually come in a variety of forms.

• Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease, where the body's immune system launches an attack on the joints, then moves on to affect other bodily organs such as the skin, heart, and lungs.

• Psoriatic arthritis is also an autoimmune disorder with symptoms similar to rheumatoid arthritis. It is common in patients affected by psoriasis, a skin disease.

• Septic arthritis is the wearing away of cartilage due to bacterial accumulation in and attack on the joints. This is usually caused by cuts or gashes that penetrate to the level of the bone, and are left untreated or unwashed.

• Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing away of cartilage that protects the bone. Because of the great pain they experience, patients with osteoarthritis may refuse to move, causing their muscles to atrophy.

• Gout is a form of arthritis caused by the accumulation of crystals of uric acid in joints. Those affected with gout have to take a low purine diet, or to stay away from high-protein foods such as sardines and certain types of fish, some mussels, sweatbreads such as kidneys and brains of animals, and alcohol.

If you think you have arthritis, consult a doctor about your condition and have the necessary tests performed. If all signs point to a positive diagnosis, be sure to follow all instructions to the hilt: take all the medications prescribed, avoid all the foods that have to be avoided, and attend all therapy sessions if you are required to do so.

If you know someone with arthritis, or are living with someone afflicted with the disease, take a role in monitoring the patient's progress by making sure that the patient follows the therapy regimen, or by watching the patient well following surgery. Arthritis is a disease that requires patience, both on the part of the afflicted and the caregiver, so obey all instructions and ask questions if necessary.
The term arthritis itself is derived from the Greek words for joint and inflammation, and covers a group of health conditions that affect the body's joints. Arthritis has been known and recorded for centuries. The first case was reported to date as far back as 4500 BC. Very simply, arthritis involves swelling of the joints, such that mere movement can cause body pains.

Such joints are sensitive to changes in the weather, and elder patients suffering from arthritis claim that their pains are greatest in the morning, when they first rise. Younger patients can also suffer from arthritis – the arthritic joint pain is not usually the general feature of juvenile arthritis, but the tendency to move, or the refusal to move at all, as in the case of especially young children.

To diagnose arthritis and distinguish it from routine or simple joint pain, physicians conduct a battery of blood tests and x-rays. Some blood tests can check for the presence of certain antibodies, since some forms of arthritis arise out of the body's immune system launching an attack on itself, making these forms of arthritis autoimmune disorders. X-rays, on the other hands, can show eroding bone or cartilage.

Once arthritis is diagnosed, treatment can proceed. Treatment can come in the form of surgery or drug treatment. Those dealing with arthritis must also undergo occupational and physical therapy sessions, so that they can recover the use of their limbs and keep their blood flow constant. In all types of therapy, doctors ensure that stress on the affected joints is reduced, and pain is successfully managed.

The types of therapy to be used depend on the type of arthritis with which the patient is afflicted. A few common types include the following

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Have a Lovely Chronic Disease and I Love It

Today I would like to share with you a personal story. A story that changed my life forever. I am talking about a chronic disease I got back in 1994 in South West Australia when I visited a place called Kirup. Kirup is a lovely country town in the South-west region of Western Australia, there are only 150 people living there, and what people?!

All very friendly and interested in where you come from, what is your culture etc. and since I came from Israel it rather fascinated them.

One day I ate extremely oily and greasy fish N chips. And then it all started, I had chronic diarrhea, it did not stop for six whole months! When I got to Israel I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

Crohn's is an inflammation in the inside of the intestines anywhere from top to bottom.

We have 5 meters of intestines in our body and it is a vital organ in our body. So I was ordered to take 3 grams of rafasal tablets every single day for the rest of my life.

In the back of my mind I knew there must be an alternative treatment for my chronic illness so I started looking for the best one for me.This is all to tell you how important nutrition is and how much you should watch what you eat.

Smoking Did Not Help Either

Smoking Did Not Help Either. On top of all that

I was a smoker.

Smoking makes our digestive system to go faster which did not help my Crohn's. I decided to quit smoking.

I made a mental decision in my head to quit smoking.

Every time I took a cigarette I ended up with skin rush all over me.

This is because if your insides are ill and you put poison in your insides it shows on your skin.

Every time I got this terrible skin rush I had to take antibiotics to stop it. I took so much of this poisonous drug it killed my immune system.

I had to stop smoking, but this is hard, so it took me 5 years to stop smoking completely and in these 5 years I went down from a packet of 20 to 5 a day.

Acupuncture did it All for Me

Parallel to all that I searched for the perfect alternative healing method that will cure my chronic illness.

I found a nice Chinese doctor who lived in Tel Aviv and taught in the acupuncture college in Israel.

Dr. Xiao fixed me up in two months of acupuncture and Chinese medicine prescriptions. It cost a bit but was worth every cent.

I smoked my last cigarette on 21/5/2000 which was my 30th birthday. I am now 40 YO and have not touched one fag since.

Not only that I started getting hard into nutrition and what is good for me to eat and what not.

I discovered that I need to avoid anything that is hard on digestion like red meat, deep fried food, processed food, bread, as well as other things that almost instantly made my stomach ill.

What I am saying is that my Crohn's forced me to live a very healthy life.

In fact, I eat what every dietician would recommend to a healthy person anyway.

I am really grateful to have that disease because thanks to good nutrition I control it and basically live as if I do not have it. Get it?

Crohn's disease changed my life forever.

Name and Illness


Our bodies need fuel to perform task / work on daily basis. This fuel we get from food. The food that we take, such as carbohydrates and proteins, get converted into glucose. This travels into the blood stream, then into the brain, body muscles and liver.

For the muscles to receive this glucose insulin must be present.

Insulin is a hormone that the body produces naturally in the pancreas. Insulin regulates the glucose and helps to store extra nutrients in the cells.

Diabetes literally means that the person who is affected has high blood sugar.

This happens usually in two types of diabetes where either (1) the body does not produce enough insulin or (2) because the cells do not respond to insulin that is produced.


Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had said, "God has not created any disease without also creating a cure for it."

We know that new diseases are emerging year by year and their cures are also being created. Man will keep fighting for his survival.

The great Arab Physician, Harith bin Kalada said, "Overeating is the main cause of disease. Moderation in eating is healthy." Not only overeating but wrong choice of food could be harmful. One third of the belly should be empty.

The main causes of diabetes are tension, overeating, late eating and wrong choice of food.

Apart from this it is wrong marriage combination that is the main cause of all diseases. We receive chemicals, through rays, into our body from the planets that we belong to.

These chemicals react in our body that produce good or bad effect in the couple's life which directly depends on the friendliness or enmity of the two planets.

When a couple is married this reaction of their chemicals is highest during love making. It remains till the time they are married, though the degree of reaction varies.

If the planet is not friendly then the reaction is bad and may cause illnesses, bad luck, bad temper, accidents, etc.

Almost all the name numbers are affected by diabetes, but mainly name numbers 1, 2, 3 & 7 and those that have very bad marriage combinations.

The second thing is the Elements. If the alphabets of your name's elements belong more to the planet Moon then there are chances of you getting infected with diabetes faster and could be incurable. Name numbers 2 & 7 are Moon related.

We usually recommend gems and stone to control it. Here are our recommendations as per names numbers -
Name Number Gems & Stones

1 White Coral & Spadic stone (Rock Crystal)
2 Moonstone & Spadic
3 White Coral or Turquoise & Spadic
4 Blue Sapphire or Ruby & Spadic
5 Yellow Sapphire or Citrine & Spadic
6 Cat's Eye & Spadic
7 Moonstone & Spadic
8 Blue Sapphire or Agate Sulemani & Spadic
9 White Coral & Spadic.


1. Name number 6 usually have bad marriage combination. First of all we correct the marriage combination. Then those having diabetes, for them, we recommend feeding to the cow - green grass and coconut as a Sadakah(Charity).

Their drawing and bed rooms should have their number colour and that is light yellow.
2. For marriage combination of 1 with 8, we recommend that they first correct their combination. The Sadakah for them is Honey, Brinjal to be given to animal or any needy person.

If their diabetes is too much then(1) 1 name number patients should give sugar to ants and (2)8 number patients should give jaggery (Gur) to ants, cow or black dogs. For colours of their rooms - name number 1 has to avoid white colour (only roof can be white) and name number 8 has to avoid black. This implies to their clothes also. 8 number patient can also throw 8 seeds of black til into the water-river, pond, lake, sea.

This he has to do for 8 days.
3. Other numbers and marriage combinations too have their treatments through Arabic Numerology.


A woman 65 years of age was diabetic for more than 20 years and was taking insulin twice a day. She used the homemade medicine for a fortnight and now she is absolutely free from diabetes and taking all her food as normal including sweets.

I have been asked to spread this remedy to as many people as I can so that maximum of the people benefit out of it.

The doctors have now advised her to stop insulin intakes and any other blood sugar controlling drugs as she does not require them anymore.

This experiment was conducted by Sheikh Saleh Mohammad Tuwaijiri, a Supreme Judge of Tabuk Court, Saudi Arabia -
Take the following ingredients -
• Wheat Flour - 100 gms
• Gum of Tree(Gondh) - 100 gms
• Barley - 100 gms
• Black Seeds (Kalunji) - 100 gms

Method of Preparation - Put all the above ingredients in 5 cups of water.

When it comes to boiling, let it boil for 10 minutes and then put off the fire.

Make sure that you keep stirring the spoon when it is boiling so that it does not stick in the pan. Allow it to cool down naturally.

When it becomes cold, filter out and preserve the water in a glass jug or bottle.

How to use it - Take one small glass of this water every day early in the morning(nihaar muh) when the stomach is empty.

This water should last you for 7 days, so your intake should be divided accordingly. Next week repeat the same but on alternate days.

With these 2 weeks of treatment you will be amazed to see that you have become normal and can eat normal food without any problem.


Diabetes responds well to colour therapy. It brings in remarkable relief to diabetic patients. A treatment of green colour for half an hour followed by yellow colour for 15 minutes and then violet colour for 10 minutes daily makes the gland secrete the right quantities of insulin and it also strengthens the organ.

As per Arabic Numerology following are the colours of the various name numbers-

Name Number Colour
1 Yellow
2 White & Blue
3 Light Blue
4 Red
5 Voilet
6 Yellow & Blue
7 White & Yellow
8 Grey
9 Dark Blue & Brown

The above colour therapy will work for all. However, Colours as per their name numbers should be added in the end for 15 minutes, if not mentioned above.

This will boost the recovery.

The name number colours of the patient should also be prevalent in living room, bed room, clothes and where ever possible.

Crohn's Disease and Children

Crohn's disease is a disease common among 14 to 32-year-olds. Older patients have been reported too to have this illness including children.

Children who have one parent with Crohn's disease have a 7 to 9 percent lifetime risk of developing the condition.

They also have a 10 percent chance to develop some form of inflammatory bowel disease. Kids often go about with symptoms without being diagnosed for a long time.

One of the common symptoms of Crohn's disease is weight loss, both in adults and children.

Children suffer stunted growth and delayed puberty as a result of Crohn's disease.

When your child isn't growing as fast as other kids, probably still wearing the same school uniform he did years ago.

That could be a sign. Due to the nature of this illness, kids go malnourished. Depending on where in the digestive track that is inflamed, your kid could find it hard to absorb the necessary nutrients needed for growth and development.

You may also observe an unusual bone development with the aid of an x ray.

Your doctor could advice that you measure your child's weight and height every 6 to 12 months to help you monitor things.

Its advisable to watch what your child eats. Its been known that some food triggers flare ups, especially if they are allergic to some foods.

Eating good nutritious foods with vitamin supplements would help them.

In fact the only way to know if your child is improving with this illness is if they maintain the same body weight.

Other symptoms include Anemia, loss of appetite, joint pains, diarrhea and abdominal pains. You can also observe constipation, rectal bleeding and fever.

Seek advice when it comes to medication. Most medication for Crohn's disease are steroids.

Steroids have some depressive symptoms in kids.

However more and more people are using aloe vera as a supplement to help aid easy digestion and absorption. Aloe vera has been known and studied for many years.

It has so many benefits for the digestive system and helps a great deal with Crohns disease.

Unlike many drugs for Crohn's disease, aloeride is a 100% pure concentrated aloe vera supplement with little or no side effects.

It's less expensive and helps with managing Crohn's disease.

Graves Disease and Pregnancy

Graves disease is a condition that causes hyperthyroidism and is a metabolic illness that can affect pregnancy.

Hyperthyroidism means there is an overactive thyroid gland that can have detrimental effects on both the mother and the baby.

It would be good to know that it is not the pregnancy that causes the disease but rather a disease that is common in women whether pregnant or not.

The effect of Graves disease on pregnancy can be any one of the following: miscarriage, decreased rate of intrauterine growth and premature birth.

Hypertension in pregnancy can also occur making the mother more at risk for heart diseases. The bad thing about this is that the disease will not only affect the mother but also the baby.

The child may also develop hyper-/hypothyroidism later in life that could affect his/her intelligence, physical and emotional development if not treated.

What is important in experiencing Graves diseases during pregnancy is to recognize the disease as soon as possible and immediate treatment by a doctor is done.

Anti-thyroid drugs are usually given to pregnant patients especially during the period of the first trimester.

Drugs of choice are usually those that has the least risk of causing birth defects.

After anti-thyroid drug therapy and the mother either shows severe negative reactions, needs higher doses to control the disease or the disease is uncontrollable despite the treatment being given, surgery is usually recommended.

This is usually done during the second trimester when it is unlikely to endanger both mother and baby.

Therefore, it should not be something to be excessively worried about.

Obesity and Illness in Adults

The relationship between obesity and illness in adults has been shown to be a worldwide epidemic.

Obesity and illness can be seen around the globe.

Being overweight can effect anyone from any walk of life - men or women, rich or poor, adult or child. No one is immune from this "disease" and the more you educate yourself about the problem of obesity the better your chances of avoiding falling victim to it.

Obesity has been linked as a major risk factor to several life-threatening illnesses.

These illnesses that have been associated with obesity include (but are not limited to) cardiovascular disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, diabetes and some cancers.

Cardiovascular disease can include heart attack, blocked arteries that can lead to a heart attack, congestive heart failure, and arrythmias (irregular heartbeats).

Hypertension is the same as high blood pressure.

Normally your blood pressure should be in the range of 120/80. This is not set in stone and some people's blood pressure will be higher or lower than this.

What's important is that your doctor is monitoring your blood pressure on a regular basis to assess for any abnormal changes. If this occurs they may prescribe medication to help control your blood pressure.

Exercise and proper diet can also help control your blood pressure.

High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Stroke is also know as a CVA.

This means you have had a bleed on the brain that can destroy brain tissue and lead to areas of paralysis in your arms, legs or both. It can also affect your ability to speak, to understand speech, to eat and cause memory problems.

Obesity can predispose you to having a CVA or stroke.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the level of sugar in a persons body.

When sugar levels become to high or to low it can have serious affects on how a person's body functions leading to more serious health problems that can affect your vital organs including your heart, kidneys, cardiovascular system and brain.

Diabetes can also lead to circulatory problems that can affect the central nervous system and cause serious problems in the legs that can sometimes lead to amputation.

The Importance of the Immune System in Fighting Disease and Illness

As our defence mechanism against illness and disease, our immune systems are the cornerstone to keeping us fit and healthy.

Whenever some bacteria or virus attacks us our immune system sends out the troops to defend the gates of healthiness and keep illness at bay.

Globulins are the cells charged with circulating the blood and attacking any evil invaders, whilst lymphocytes (specialised white cells) patrol the body to control and dispose of any foreign material.

Immunity B Cells are the circulating globulins - known as immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies.

They can be separated into five groups, each taking charge of specific duties in defending the body. For instance some antibodies will take care of bacteria and viruses in the blood, whilst another might protect against allergies.

Immunity T Cells meanwhile attack viruses and foreign tissues. You may have seen recently the German farmer who had a double arm transplant after losing both of his arms to a combine harvester.

As amazing as this feat is one of the biggest issues in making this work is to stop the body from rejecting the new arms - this rejection is done by the T cells. T cells destroy all kinds of invaders whilst also remembering the nature of them - this makes the T cells more effective against returning invaders and is how our immune system develops.

It is clear then that our immune system depends on the effectiveness and ability of our B and T cells to recognise a nuisance bacteria or virus, as well as its' ability to fight it - though obviously we can help that along in some cases with the use of antibiotics etc.

You may now be wondering if our immune system is so good then why is the common cold such a consistent re-occurrence.

This is because some viruses such as the cold continually mutate and change in appearance, meaning our immune system does not recognise it.

This is also why the flu jab is offered - the flu is another mutating virus and each year the flu jab is changed to combat the latest mutation.

For some unfortunate people there are a number of hereditary diseases which result in their immune systems not functioning properly.

This is often caused by abnormalities in the chromosomes that mean a deficiency in the production of globulin antibodies, T lymphocytes or both. In such instances the consequences can be very serious.

It is possible to survive a lack of immunoglobulins as globulin from other people can be fed into a patient on a regular basis.

However a deficiency in white blood cells is much more serious and anyone born with such a condition usually dies young from a viral infection.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chronic Scleroderma

What is Scleroderma? - Scleroderma is a chronic disease characterized by excessive deposits of collagen. In order to better understand Scleroderma it helps if you have some understanding as to what collagen is.

What is Collagen? - Collagen is a fibrous protein that occurrsn bone, cartilage and connective tissue. It is a major structural protein that forms molecular cables to strengthen the tendons and vast, resilient sheets that support the skin and internal organs.

There is no organ or tissue which does not have collagen. Collagen acts as the important support structure in tissues around which cells live and function. Elements of our body such as bones and teeth are made by adding mineral crystals to collagen.

Scleroderma directly affects the skin, and in sometimes in more severe cases, it can affect the blood vessels and internal organs of the body.

The most visible scleroderma symptom is the hardening of skin and associated scarring that goes along with it. This hardened skin will normally appear reddish or scaly in appearance. Often times this will allow blood vessels to be more visible.

The most serious aspect of the disease to take into account are: The total area that is covered, and the the level of internal involvement that is taking place.

These are important to consider because a patient that only has minor coverage is much less likely to have damange to internal organs and tissues as someone with larger coverage.

Almost certainly, in cases where an entire limb is affected, future use of that limb will be jeopardized. If the coverage is over the torse, the heart and lungs will be affected which is more severe, than lets say an arm. Often times, internal scarring will occur which is more complicated and cannot simply be seen by the naked eye.