Friday, September 2, 2011

Crohn's Disease and Children

Crohn's disease is a disease common among 14 to 32-year-olds. Older patients have been reported too to have this illness including children.

Children who have one parent with Crohn's disease have a 7 to 9 percent lifetime risk of developing the condition.

They also have a 10 percent chance to develop some form of inflammatory bowel disease. Kids often go about with symptoms without being diagnosed for a long time.

One of the common symptoms of Crohn's disease is weight loss, both in adults and children.

Children suffer stunted growth and delayed puberty as a result of Crohn's disease.

When your child isn't growing as fast as other kids, probably still wearing the same school uniform he did years ago.

That could be a sign. Due to the nature of this illness, kids go malnourished. Depending on where in the digestive track that is inflamed, your kid could find it hard to absorb the necessary nutrients needed for growth and development.

You may also observe an unusual bone development with the aid of an x ray.

Your doctor could advice that you measure your child's weight and height every 6 to 12 months to help you monitor things.

Its advisable to watch what your child eats. Its been known that some food triggers flare ups, especially if they are allergic to some foods.

Eating good nutritious foods with vitamin supplements would help them.

In fact the only way to know if your child is improving with this illness is if they maintain the same body weight.

Other symptoms include Anemia, loss of appetite, joint pains, diarrhea and abdominal pains. You can also observe constipation, rectal bleeding and fever.

Seek advice when it comes to medication. Most medication for Crohn's disease are steroids.

Steroids have some depressive symptoms in kids.

However more and more people are using aloe vera as a supplement to help aid easy digestion and absorption. Aloe vera has been known and studied for many years.

It has so many benefits for the digestive system and helps a great deal with Crohns disease.

Unlike many drugs for Crohn's disease, aloeride is a 100% pure concentrated aloe vera supplement with little or no side effects.

It's less expensive and helps with managing Crohn's disease.

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