Friday, September 2, 2011

Name and Illness


Our bodies need fuel to perform task / work on daily basis. This fuel we get from food. The food that we take, such as carbohydrates and proteins, get converted into glucose. This travels into the blood stream, then into the brain, body muscles and liver.

For the muscles to receive this glucose insulin must be present.

Insulin is a hormone that the body produces naturally in the pancreas. Insulin regulates the glucose and helps to store extra nutrients in the cells.

Diabetes literally means that the person who is affected has high blood sugar.

This happens usually in two types of diabetes where either (1) the body does not produce enough insulin or (2) because the cells do not respond to insulin that is produced.


Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had said, "God has not created any disease without also creating a cure for it."

We know that new diseases are emerging year by year and their cures are also being created. Man will keep fighting for his survival.

The great Arab Physician, Harith bin Kalada said, "Overeating is the main cause of disease. Moderation in eating is healthy." Not only overeating but wrong choice of food could be harmful. One third of the belly should be empty.

The main causes of diabetes are tension, overeating, late eating and wrong choice of food.

Apart from this it is wrong marriage combination that is the main cause of all diseases. We receive chemicals, through rays, into our body from the planets that we belong to.

These chemicals react in our body that produce good or bad effect in the couple's life which directly depends on the friendliness or enmity of the two planets.

When a couple is married this reaction of their chemicals is highest during love making. It remains till the time they are married, though the degree of reaction varies.

If the planet is not friendly then the reaction is bad and may cause illnesses, bad luck, bad temper, accidents, etc.

Almost all the name numbers are affected by diabetes, but mainly name numbers 1, 2, 3 & 7 and those that have very bad marriage combinations.

The second thing is the Elements. If the alphabets of your name's elements belong more to the planet Moon then there are chances of you getting infected with diabetes faster and could be incurable. Name numbers 2 & 7 are Moon related.

We usually recommend gems and stone to control it. Here are our recommendations as per names numbers -
Name Number Gems & Stones

1 White Coral & Spadic stone (Rock Crystal)
2 Moonstone & Spadic
3 White Coral or Turquoise & Spadic
4 Blue Sapphire or Ruby & Spadic
5 Yellow Sapphire or Citrine & Spadic
6 Cat's Eye & Spadic
7 Moonstone & Spadic
8 Blue Sapphire or Agate Sulemani & Spadic
9 White Coral & Spadic.


1. Name number 6 usually have bad marriage combination. First of all we correct the marriage combination. Then those having diabetes, for them, we recommend feeding to the cow - green grass and coconut as a Sadakah(Charity).

Their drawing and bed rooms should have their number colour and that is light yellow.
2. For marriage combination of 1 with 8, we recommend that they first correct their combination. The Sadakah for them is Honey, Brinjal to be given to animal or any needy person.

If their diabetes is too much then(1) 1 name number patients should give sugar to ants and (2)8 number patients should give jaggery (Gur) to ants, cow or black dogs. For colours of their rooms - name number 1 has to avoid white colour (only roof can be white) and name number 8 has to avoid black. This implies to their clothes also. 8 number patient can also throw 8 seeds of black til into the water-river, pond, lake, sea.

This he has to do for 8 days.
3. Other numbers and marriage combinations too have their treatments through Arabic Numerology.


A woman 65 years of age was diabetic for more than 20 years and was taking insulin twice a day. She used the homemade medicine for a fortnight and now she is absolutely free from diabetes and taking all her food as normal including sweets.

I have been asked to spread this remedy to as many people as I can so that maximum of the people benefit out of it.

The doctors have now advised her to stop insulin intakes and any other blood sugar controlling drugs as she does not require them anymore.

This experiment was conducted by Sheikh Saleh Mohammad Tuwaijiri, a Supreme Judge of Tabuk Court, Saudi Arabia -
Take the following ingredients -
• Wheat Flour - 100 gms
• Gum of Tree(Gondh) - 100 gms
• Barley - 100 gms
• Black Seeds (Kalunji) - 100 gms

Method of Preparation - Put all the above ingredients in 5 cups of water.

When it comes to boiling, let it boil for 10 minutes and then put off the fire.

Make sure that you keep stirring the spoon when it is boiling so that it does not stick in the pan. Allow it to cool down naturally.

When it becomes cold, filter out and preserve the water in a glass jug or bottle.

How to use it - Take one small glass of this water every day early in the morning(nihaar muh) when the stomach is empty.

This water should last you for 7 days, so your intake should be divided accordingly. Next week repeat the same but on alternate days.

With these 2 weeks of treatment you will be amazed to see that you have become normal and can eat normal food without any problem.


Diabetes responds well to colour therapy. It brings in remarkable relief to diabetic patients. A treatment of green colour for half an hour followed by yellow colour for 15 minutes and then violet colour for 10 minutes daily makes the gland secrete the right quantities of insulin and it also strengthens the organ.

As per Arabic Numerology following are the colours of the various name numbers-

Name Number Colour
1 Yellow
2 White & Blue
3 Light Blue
4 Red
5 Voilet
6 Yellow & Blue
7 White & Yellow
8 Grey
9 Dark Blue & Brown

The above colour therapy will work for all. However, Colours as per their name numbers should be added in the end for 15 minutes, if not mentioned above.

This will boost the recovery.

The name number colours of the patient should also be prevalent in living room, bed room, clothes and where ever possible.

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