Friday, September 2, 2011

I Have a Lovely Chronic Disease and I Love It

Today I would like to share with you a personal story. A story that changed my life forever. I am talking about a chronic disease I got back in 1994 in South West Australia when I visited a place called Kirup. Kirup is a lovely country town in the South-west region of Western Australia, there are only 150 people living there, and what people?!

All very friendly and interested in where you come from, what is your culture etc. and since I came from Israel it rather fascinated them.

One day I ate extremely oily and greasy fish N chips. And then it all started, I had chronic diarrhea, it did not stop for six whole months! When I got to Israel I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

Crohn's is an inflammation in the inside of the intestines anywhere from top to bottom.

We have 5 meters of intestines in our body and it is a vital organ in our body. So I was ordered to take 3 grams of rafasal tablets every single day for the rest of my life.

In the back of my mind I knew there must be an alternative treatment for my chronic illness so I started looking for the best one for me.This is all to tell you how important nutrition is and how much you should watch what you eat.

Smoking Did Not Help Either

Smoking Did Not Help Either. On top of all that

I was a smoker.

Smoking makes our digestive system to go faster which did not help my Crohn's. I decided to quit smoking.

I made a mental decision in my head to quit smoking.

Every time I took a cigarette I ended up with skin rush all over me.

This is because if your insides are ill and you put poison in your insides it shows on your skin.

Every time I got this terrible skin rush I had to take antibiotics to stop it. I took so much of this poisonous drug it killed my immune system.

I had to stop smoking, but this is hard, so it took me 5 years to stop smoking completely and in these 5 years I went down from a packet of 20 to 5 a day.

Acupuncture did it All for Me

Parallel to all that I searched for the perfect alternative healing method that will cure my chronic illness.

I found a nice Chinese doctor who lived in Tel Aviv and taught in the acupuncture college in Israel.

Dr. Xiao fixed me up in two months of acupuncture and Chinese medicine prescriptions. It cost a bit but was worth every cent.

I smoked my last cigarette on 21/5/2000 which was my 30th birthday. I am now 40 YO and have not touched one fag since.

Not only that I started getting hard into nutrition and what is good for me to eat and what not.

I discovered that I need to avoid anything that is hard on digestion like red meat, deep fried food, processed food, bread, as well as other things that almost instantly made my stomach ill.

What I am saying is that my Crohn's forced me to live a very healthy life.

In fact, I eat what every dietician would recommend to a healthy person anyway.

I am really grateful to have that disease because thanks to good nutrition I control it and basically live as if I do not have it. Get it?

Crohn's disease changed my life forever.

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