Friday, September 2, 2011

The Importance of the Immune System in Fighting Disease and Illness

As our defence mechanism against illness and disease, our immune systems are the cornerstone to keeping us fit and healthy.

Whenever some bacteria or virus attacks us our immune system sends out the troops to defend the gates of healthiness and keep illness at bay.

Globulins are the cells charged with circulating the blood and attacking any evil invaders, whilst lymphocytes (specialised white cells) patrol the body to control and dispose of any foreign material.

Immunity B Cells are the circulating globulins - known as immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies.

They can be separated into five groups, each taking charge of specific duties in defending the body. For instance some antibodies will take care of bacteria and viruses in the blood, whilst another might protect against allergies.

Immunity T Cells meanwhile attack viruses and foreign tissues. You may have seen recently the German farmer who had a double arm transplant after losing both of his arms to a combine harvester.

As amazing as this feat is one of the biggest issues in making this work is to stop the body from rejecting the new arms - this rejection is done by the T cells. T cells destroy all kinds of invaders whilst also remembering the nature of them - this makes the T cells more effective against returning invaders and is how our immune system develops.

It is clear then that our immune system depends on the effectiveness and ability of our B and T cells to recognise a nuisance bacteria or virus, as well as its' ability to fight it - though obviously we can help that along in some cases with the use of antibiotics etc.

You may now be wondering if our immune system is so good then why is the common cold such a consistent re-occurrence.

This is because some viruses such as the cold continually mutate and change in appearance, meaning our immune system does not recognise it.

This is also why the flu jab is offered - the flu is another mutating virus and each year the flu jab is changed to combat the latest mutation.

For some unfortunate people there are a number of hereditary diseases which result in their immune systems not functioning properly.

This is often caused by abnormalities in the chromosomes that mean a deficiency in the production of globulin antibodies, T lymphocytes or both. In such instances the consequences can be very serious.

It is possible to survive a lack of immunoglobulins as globulin from other people can be fed into a patient on a regular basis.

However a deficiency in white blood cells is much more serious and anyone born with such a condition usually dies young from a viral infection.

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